Bernhard Stahl, Professor of International Politics at the University of Passau, presented his research project on the silencing of mass crimes in foreign policy, which he has been researching since 2018, at the AIA Colloquium. He is examining this topic from a fundamental perspective, with a particular focus on German and British foreign policy. He emphasized that the phenomenon of silencing is difficult to conceptualize methodologically and theoretically. After a conceptual clarification of what is meant by mass crimes in concrete legal and political science terms, he presented his selection of cases: He examines the processes of silencing with regard to the crimes in Yemen, South Sudan, Myanmar and in relation to the treatment of the Uyghurs in China. In his analysis, he identifies various modes of concealment, which can range from simple non-mention to trivialization to externalization. These are demonstrated and deconstructed within the framework of classical qualitative analyses in texts and speeches by governments and parliaments. Overall, he comes to the conclusion that Germany silences crimes in its official foreign policy communication. Even if this happens unconsciously, he criticizes the fact that this is the prerequisite for insidiously keeping out of problems of international politics. This normative dimension in particular was discussed in detail by the Fellows. The colloquium was a good introduction to the topic, which can be explored in greater depth at the Fellow Workshop organized by Mariia Levchenko and Bernhard Stahl on 7/8 April.
Fellow Colloquium