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GeopoliticsAssociate Fellow
April - June 2023

Māris Andžāns

“The Role of the Baltic States in Framing Germany-Russia Relations in 2022-2023”

Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are well known for their historical experience and current concerns with Russia. All three have long been vocal about their concerns in their engagement with Germany. It is no secret that there have been deep divisions of Baltic and German understandings and perceptions of Russia. Although smaller, perception gaps remain even after the recent German Zeitenwende and despite the increase in German contribution to the military defense of the Baltic states and in arming Ukraine.
The objective of the project is to investigate the role of the Baltic states in framing Germany-Russia relations in 2022-2023. In addition to investigating the implications of Baltic efforts for Germany-Russia relations, the project looks at the following questions. Which Baltic institutional approaches and channels of engagement with Germany work best? What can each of the three Baltic diplomatic corps learn from each other in this respect? Is there space for further trilateral collaboration with Germany? How could perceptions between Germany and the Baltic states be further approximated?


Dr. Māris Andžāns is the Director of the Center for Geopolitical Studies Riga. He is also an Associate Professor at Riga Stradins University and a Vice-Rector of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences.
Previously, he worked for the Latvian Institute of International Affairs. He was also a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.
He has authored more than 100 publications, primarily on security and defense issues of the Baltic states, but also Central Asia, as well as transport and digital policies.
Dr. Andžāns has ten years of experience in the public administration of Latvia. He served in positions related to the coordination of EU and NATO issues, security of transport and communications, civil-military cooperation, aviation, electronic communications, and postal issues. Among other duties, he has served as the Chairman of the National Cyber Security Council of Latvia and the Dangerous Goods Movement Consultative Council of Latvia.


Andžāns, M., Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A. The Belt and Road Initiative and the Uneven Triangle of Latvia, Belarus, and China. In: Duarte, P.A.B., Leandro, F.J.B.S., Galán, E.M. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics

Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore