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PhilosophyAssociate Fellow
October - December 2022

John-Stewart Gordon

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on International Human Rights Legislation

The idea of this project is to determine the possible issues of AI’s impact on human rights legislation (especially on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948), review their significance concerning human rights violations, and provide some first answers on how to revise the legislation accordingly. My current view is that we already see several critical issues which prompt us to change our human rights legislation.


John-Stewart Gordon is an adjunct professor at LSMU in Kaunas, Lithuania (since 2022). Before, he was a full professor of philosophy (2015-2022), chief researcher at the Faculty of Law (2018-2022), founder and head of the Research Cluster for Applied Ethics (2016-2022), and principal investigator of the EU-funded research project “Integration Study on Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies” (2017-2022) at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania. Furthermore, he is an associate editor at AI & Society (since 2020), a member of the editorial boards of Bioethics (since 2007), AI & Society (since 2018), the Baltic Journal of Law & Politics (2018-2022), and he has been an area-editor and board member of the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2007-2014). Furthermore, he is the general editor of the book series Philosophy and Human Rights at Brill. John spent extended research stays at the universities of Queen’s, Oxford (multiple times), Toronto, Maynooth, Tallinn (multiple times), and the Karolinska Institut in Stockholm.


John-Stewart Gordon has written and edited numerous books in the context of practical philosophy and published many peer-reviewed articles and special issues in leading international journals and encyclopaedias.

John-Stewart Gordon Are Superintelligent Robots entitled to Human Rights?

in: Ratio, 35/3, 2022, 181-193