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Political ScienceSecurity StudiesAssociate Fellow
September 2022 - March 2023

Christian Leuprecht

100 Hours in Kabul - Multinational non-combatant evacuation operations (NEOs): Lessons learned from the drawdown in Afghanistan (with Jamie Ferrill and Tim Lannan)

This project analyses multinational non-combatant evacuation operations (NEOs), drawing on NATO's role in the drawdown in Afghanistan as a critical case study. The aim is to compare the principles of NEOs against how the final days of the Afghanistan mission unfolded, and how to ensure future NEOs are better able to deliver on assurances and expectations.

The first phase of the project offers critical insight into the consequences for the Afghan NEO of the political jostling that took place. The second phase systematically compares multinational to national NEOs.

The project will make a significant contribution to the relatively marginal scholarly literature on NEOs in general, and the even smaller literature on multinational NEOs, while offering a strategic and humanitarian critique of the predominantly instrumental and operational approach to the Afghan NEO that mirrors the difficulties of multinational operations that bedevilled the Afghanistan mission over 20 years. NATO’s civilian and military expertise plays an outsized role in preserving the international rules-based order by ensuring regional peace and stability. This project’s critical reflection on the Afghanistan NEO will inform strategic and operational decision-making, planning, and logistics for current and future international security and stability operations around the globe.


Prof. Dr. Christian Leuprecht is Class of 1965 Distinguished Professor at the Royal Military College of Canada and Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Military Journal. He also directs the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations in the School of Policy Studies and is an Adjunct Research Professor in the Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security at Charles Sturt University. A former Bicentennial Professor in Canadian Studies at Yale University, Eisenhower Fellow at the NATO Defence College, and Fulbright Research Chair in Canada–US Relations at John Hopkins University’s School for Advanced International Studies, he is an elected member of the College of New Scholars of the Royal Society of Canada and recipient of the Cowan Prize for Excellence in Research at the Royal Military College of Canada.

Photo: Bernard Clark


Christian Leuprecht (2021) Intelligence as Democratic Statecraft: Accountability and Governance of Civil-Intelligence Relations Across the Five Eyes Security Community - the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

Oxford: Oxford University Press