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What are the challenges and opportunities in Inter-Korean relations?

In cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, a conference entitled “What are the challenges and opportunities in inter-Korean relations?” was held at the Bonn Science Center on 20 November on the future of South Korea and the challenges facing the country in light of the current global situation.

Following the welcoming remarks by the Korean Consul General Seungjae Huh and Prof. Dr. Frank Rövekamp (East Asian Institute, Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences), Dr. Katja Freistein (AIA NRW) and Dr. Uk Yang (Asan Institute), Prof. Dr. Sukhoon Hong (Changwon National University), Prof. Daekwon Son (Sogang University) as well as Dr. Hee-kyong Chang (University of Duisburg Essen) and Prof. Dr. Remco Breuker (Leiden University) discussed in two high-profile panels. The focus was on the geopolitical constellation of South Korea, with a particular interest on the threat posed by North Korea’s nuclear program and an assessment of the results of the Camp David summit between South Korea, Japan and the USA. The perspective of Germany and Europe and the undoubtedly limited influence of the European Union on developments in East Asia were also discussed. The Fellows of the Academy were also present and contributed to the lively discussions with around 50 participants.

Location: Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn



Cooperation partner: Embassy of the Republic of Korea (Bonn Office), Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)

Event language: English