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The Evacuation of the Local Forces in Afghanistan – Lessons Learnt

Parliamentary meeting at the Bundestag

On March 15, the Academy for International Politics of North Rhine-Westphalia (AIA NRW) hosted a Parliamentary Encounter on “The Evacuation of the Local Forces in Afghanistan – Lessons Learnt” at the Bundestag from 12:00-13:30.

The impulse for the open discussion between invited members of the Bundestag, representatives of the Federal Foreign Office and renowned experts was given by the AIA research group, which dealt with the topic Multinational non-combatant evacuation operations (NEOs): Lessons learnt from the drawdown in Afghanistan.

The group’s goal is not only to provide an accurate analysis of events and decision making at the time, but also to develop specific recommendations for future action. In addition to the publication of four editorials, a book publication on its findings is also in the works.

Former Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the chairman of the Enquete Commission Lessons from Afghanistan for Germany’s Future Networked Engagement, Michael Müller MdB, and the chairman of the Afghanistan Investigation Committee, Dr. Ralf Stegner MdB, were available to answer questions after brief introductory remarks.


Veranstaltung der Academy of International Affairs NRW am 15.03.23 in Berlin im Deutschen Bundestag. / Foto: Tobias Koch (
Veranstaltung der Academy of International Affairs NRW am 15.03.23 in Berlin im Deutschen Bundestag. / Foto: Tobias Koch (
Veranstaltung der Academy of International Affairs NRW am 15.03.23 in Berlin im Deutschen Bundestag. / Foto: Tobias Koch (
Veranstaltung der Academy of International Affairs NRW am 15.03.23 in Berlin im Deutschen Bundestag. / Foto: Tobias Koch (
Veranstaltung der Academy of International Affairs NRW am 15.03.23 in Berlin im Deutschen Bundestag. / Foto: Tobias Koch (
Veranstaltung der Academy of International Affairs NRW am 15.03.23 in Berlin im Deutschen Bundestag. / Foto: Tobias Koch (
Veranstaltung der Academy of International Affairs NRW am 15.03.23 in Berlin im Deutschen Bundestag. / Foto: Tobias Koch (


Welcome remarks

Dr. Mayssoun Zein Al Din, Executive Director, Academy of International Affairs NRW

Opening remarks

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, former minister of defense (2019-2021)

Michael Müller MdB, chairman of the Enquete Commission Lessons from Afghanistan for Germany’s Future Networked Engagement

Dr. Ralf Stegner MdB, chairman of the Afghanistan Investigation Committee

Report of the AIA NRW research group

Tim Lannan, Head of the Euro Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre at NATO Headquarter in Brussels

Prof. Dr. Christian Leuprecht, Royal Military College of Canada

Dr. Jamie Ferrill, Charles Sturt University, Australia


Location: Bundestag, Berlin


Non public

Event language: German - English