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Ethics, Law and Artificial Intelligence – a Tense Relationship

Prof. Dr. John-Stewart Gordon in cooperation with the Deutsches Museum Bonn - Artificial Intelligence Forum

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly and often unnoticed becoming part of our everyday lives. Many decisions in job application processes, in finding a partner, in granting loans or in legal proceedings are now made with the help of AI and are difficult to question due to a lack of transparency. But our overconfidence in machine neutrality is also leading us astray. It is time to better understand the nature of artificial intelligence.

Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. John-Stewart Gordon

(in German)

Professor Dr. John-Stewart Gordon is a philosopher and was a fellow at the Academy of International Affairs NRW (AIA NRW) in Bonn. He has been an associate professor at LSMU in Kaunas, Lithuania since 2022. During his research stay at AIA NRW, he worked on the impact of artificial intelligence on international human rights law.

In his keynote speech, he will highlight the problems of coexistence with artificial intelligence emphasising on the aspects of machine bias, mass surveillance, sex robots as a moral and legal problem, and the moral status of intelligent machines.

Afterwards there will be an opportunity for discussion.

The lecture marks the start of the new event series “KI Kontrovers” at the Deutsches Museum Bonn and is part of the transformation of becoming the Forum for Artificial Intelligence.

Introduction: Ralph Burmester (Deutsches Museum Bonn)

Host: Dr. Britta Padberg (Academy of International Affairs NRW, Bonn)

Free entry!

Location: Deutsches Museum Bonn, Ahrstr. 45, 53175, Bonn


Public event – Please register under

Cooperation partner: Deutsche Museum Bonn

Event language: German