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The Academy organises an international and interdisciplinary fellowship programme for experts in international politics. Fellowships of three to ten months are awarded to outstanding academics and practitioners from the public and private sectors. The aim is to initiate and support innovative research and co-operation with national and international partners. The Academy offers fellows a platform to realise their projects and has established various publication formats to present research findings and encourage critical reflection on international politics.

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The networking of players who would otherwise not meet and the creation of a dynamic environment for the discussion of topics beyond the mainstream are important components of the Academy’s activities. The various event formats that the Academy organises reflect this interest and combine academic and public debates. The UN city of Bonn and the densely populated state of North Rhine-Westphalia, where the Academy is based, offer a lively environment with international networks of stakeholders from academia, the media, politics and the private sector.

UN-City Bonn

As the only German location of the United Nations, the city of Bonn is known for its expertise in international politics, development policy and sustainability issues, including the Bonn Climate Change Conference. As the former capital of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bonn has an international character. Its historical significance makes the city a symbol of a peaceful Germany in a united Europe and an excellent location for the Academy for International Politics NRW. Bonn is home to leading organisations that promote and network science and research, as well as federal ministries, political associations and academic and cultural institutions.

The State of North Rhine-Westphalia

North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the most populous federal state, is characterised by a high density of cities – from the post-industrial Ruhr area to more rural regions. It is home to many leading international companies and around 70 universities, including renowned universities, clusters of excellence, research institutes and think tanks. The excellent infrastructure and central location with several international airports and a dense network of public transport make NRW attractive for scholarship holders. This makes it easy to build and maintain networks with partners within Germany and in neighbouring countries such as France, Belgium and the Netherlands, which can be reached in just a few hours.

Public-Corporate-Governance-Report of AIA NRW

The Academy of International Affairs NRW is a non-profit organisation with limited liability. It receives its funding from grants from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and therefore applies the state’s Private Corporate Governance Code (PCGK). The obligation to comply with and the resulting reporting obligations are enshrined in the articles of association of AIA NRW.