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The international and interdisciplinary Academic Board decides on the awarding of fellowships and advises the Academy on scientific issues. It thus makes an important contribution to the Academy’s profile and its central tasks.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c.
Angelika Nußberger M.A. (Chair)

University of Cologne, Academy for European Human Rights Protection

State Secretary 
Dr. Mark Speich (Deputy Chair)

State Secretary for Federal, European and International Affairs (North Rhine-Westphalia)

Prof. Dr. Akosua
Adomako Ampofo

University of Ghana, Institute of African Studies, Accra

Prof. Monica
De Bolle (Ph.D)

Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington D.C.

Dr. Mikko Huotari

MERICS, Mercator Institute for China Studies, Berlin

Prof. Robert
S. Litwak (Ph.D)

Wilson Center, International Security Studies, Washington D.C.

Dr. Florence Gaub

NATO Defense College, Rome

Dr. Karl-Heinz Kamp

German Council on Foreign Relations, Rome

Prof. Dr. Assaf Moghadam

Reichmann University, Israel

Prof. Dr. Jaclyn

National University of Singapore, Centre for Asian Legal Studies

Dr. Robin Niblett

Chatham House – The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London

Prof. Dr. Ulrich

University of Bonn, Center for Advanced Security, Strategy and Integration Studies

Dr. Melanie Sisson

Brookings Institution, Foreign Policy Program, Washington D.C.

Prof. Róbert Ragnar Spanó

Oxford University, Faculty of Law

Dr. Maha Yahya

Malcom H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut