Aerial top view containers ship cargo business commercial trade logistic and transportation of international import export by container freight cargo ship with on worldmap
2X102HA Moscow, Russia. 14th of April, 2024. Portraits of leaders Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are depicted on matryoshka dolls that are seen on a counter of a souvenir shop in the center of Moscow,Russia
Kyiv, Ukraine - September 5, 2019: A paper cubes collection with printed logos of world-famous social networks and online messengers, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram and others.
The Academy of International Affairs NRW, based in the federal city of Bonn, is dedicated to the global challenges and structural changes in international politics in the 21st century. The Academy’s fellowship programme focuses on promoting academic excellence and international and interdisciplinary networking.
Bernhard Stahl, Professor of International Politics at the University of Passau, presented his research project on the silencing of mass crimes in foreign policy, which he has been researching since 2018, at the AIA Colloquium. He is examining this topic from a fundamental perspective, with a particular focus on German and British foreign policy. He …
Fasting holds deep significance across many religions, promoting empathy, mutual respect, and understanding of different beliefs. These reflections by our director, Mayssoun Zein Al Din, followed a dinner hosted by Federal Minister Cem Özdemir at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Berlin. In a world marked by geopolitical tensions and societal insecurity, fostering …
Science does not only take place in the famous ivory tower, but scientific findings and technologies often have a direct impact on everyday life. Therefore, good communication is essential for modern science. Only clear and unambiguous communication enables the general public to better understand complex topics so that people can make informed decisions. This applies …
International politics in many ways will be affected by the second Trump administration and its policies, whether in geopolitical terms or with regard to the rise of authoritarian tendencies. To discuss different scenarios, on Friday, March 7, 2025, the Academy invited its current, future and associate fellows to a meeting on The World After Trump …
The “Kölner Forum für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik e. V.“ visited the academy. This research network from the Rhineland aims to bring young and talented researchers from the field of international relations in the humanities and social sciences into an active and constructive exchange with each other and to strengthen their skills. With this in …
This two-part workshop aims to provide both theoretical and practical insights into the mechanics of dialogue and silencing focusing on how the analytical concepts can be defined, assessed, and applied in real-world settings. While the first session will deal with silencing in foreign policy on a theoretical level (why and how are issues silenced in foreign policy?), the second will conceptually address the ‘politics of silencing’ by making use of two real world examples. The third session will explore different theories and models of dialogue—covering concepts, approaches to defining “dialogue,” and even ways to measure its effectiveness. Drawing on case studies from diverse contexts, participants will engage in a structured debate about dialogue’s power to bridge divides and transform conflict dynamics. The fourth shifts to hands-on practice: experienced practitioners will demonstrate methods to foster and sustain dialogue across polarized communities. Participants will have the opportunity to test these dialogue tools in breakout exercises, offering their perspectives and insights that could inform recommendations for a potential national dialogue process in Ukraine once the current war ends. The overarching aim is to illustrate how dialogue can serve as a cornerstone for reconciliation, nation-building, and long-term peace.
To the eventWestern media often describe the relationship between Russia and China as a close friendship between two ‘autocracies’ against the ‘Western community of values’. Xi and Putin speak of a ‘comprehensive strategic partnership’ that aims to establish a ‘multipolar world order’. But who should be the poles in a post-American world order? Is there a threat of a new ‘Cold War’ with global bloc formation? How stable is the alliance between Moscow and Beijing really?
To the eventAt a time of growing geopolitical tensions, protectionism is experiencing a global renaissance. Numerous countries are threatening each other with punitive tariffs and trade restrictions. Aggressive economic policies are putting increasing pressure on global trade relations. In these geopolitical areas of tension, questions of sustainability and global justice are falling by the wayside.
To the eventThis workshop is aimed at scientists, university staff and communication managers from our network (and Friends) who want to improve their social media strategies in a targeted manner. The focus is on science communication and student marketing through digital channels.
To the eventThe links between regional and urban history and international relations are manifold, but rarely obvious at first glance. Municipalities, regional self-government and (federal) states often did not and do not act exclusively in a national context. Their actions were and are closely intertwined with supranational and international problems and the repercussions of major political events.
To the eventThe intensifying techno-geopolitical competition between China and the US has exposed Europe’s vulnerability to digital dependencies.
To the event“Do not praise my merits from the past, but use my experience for the future.” This phrase concludes the memoirs of the second German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard, recorded by speechwriter Johnny Klein and edited by our Academic Board member Ulrich Schlie. Ludwig Erhard was granted this wish during a panel discussion on the consequences of Donald Trump’s second presidency for Europe and the world.
To the eventOuter space has emerged as a distinct arena of political and economic interactions that can benefit humankind. With rising commercial interest and the engagement of states, outer space has become a zone in need of regulation and of cooperative agreements to avoid severe risks. This also raises the central question of responsibility in different ways, such as accountability, appropriate behaviour and the consideration of future generations.
To the eventAs part of the United Nations World Space Forum in Bonn (3–6 December 2024), AIA NRW organised a side event titled “Responsibility in Space for Sustainability on Earth” on 2 December 2024. In his keynote address, ESA astronaut and astrophysicist Gerhard Thiele shared insights from his personal experiences in space travel. He reflected on his 1998 space mission, during which the Earth was geographically surveyed, and emphasised the central role of responsibility, particularly highlighting the importance of teamwork and communication, without which such a significant endeavour would not be possible.
To the eventThe Academy has already organized various events and a Fellow research project on Afghanistan’s past, present and future. On the 23rd anniversary of the first Bonn Afghanistan Conference, a discussion with former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, former Afghan Foreign Minister Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta and Dr. Katja Mielke (Senior Researcher, Bonn International Center for Conflict Studies, BICC), moderated by AIA Director Dr. Mayssoun Zein Al Din, took place at a historically authentic location on the Petersberg in Bonn.
To the eventThe article indicates a shift in Turkey’s foreign policy initiated by the Justice and Development Party (AKP). Unlike its predecessors, the AKP aims to safeguard its interests not solely through traditional political alliances but also via “soft power” mechanisms. It employs a strategy of emotive communication through identity, religion, language, and culture and seeks to engage segments …
DetailsGoverning through as a foundation, participation as a façade: why the Erdoğan system is likely to last longer than many had hoped – and how geopolitics plays into the president’s hands.
DetailsAfrica has become a focal point of foreign investments, particularly from China whose economic engagement with the continent has surged in recent years. However, the disproportionate focus of these investments on resource extraction raises concerns about long-term benefits for Africa. This paper examines the development implications of Chinese investments, with a focus on employment. The …
DetailsThe COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the international order transition, featuring intensified strategic competition between the United States and China, especially in the Indo-Pacific region.1 A prevailing view of US–China competition is the ‘Thucydides trap’—rooted in power transition theory and suggesting that strategic competition between a rising power and the hegemon will inevitably lead to conflict in …
DetailsThis article introduces a theoretical model of truth and honesty from a psychological perspective. W examine its application in political discourse and discuss empirical findings distinguishing between conceptions of honesty and their influence on public perception, misinformation dissemination, and the integrity of democracy.
Geopolitical Reorientations in Central Asia
Since the Soviet collapse, Central Asian states have been largely oriented towards Russia, seeing it as a reference point in foreign and domestic policies. Russia was even attributed with a status of a “strategic partner”. This suddenly changed with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 which prompted Central Asian policymakers, businesses and civil society to look for new, more reliable partners in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Using a critical geopolitics lens, my project analyses the new “strategic” partnerships emerging in the region. It investigates actors and rationalities of the ongoing geopolitical reorientation, as well as formal and informal practices characterising this process.
The Academy’s new video format
China’s investment in Africa has sparked debate, driving economic growth while raising concerns about debt dependency…
In our latest edition of the Impulse series Dr. Raúl González Muñoz, lecturer at the University…
Outer space technologies, including rockets, satellites, and their supporting infrastructure, are vital to modern societies. They…
The vastness of space has always been a source of fascination, but as humanity’s reach expands…
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Foto: Tobias Vollmer
Bewerben Sie sich noch bis zum 14. Februar 2022 für ein 1 bis 10-monatiges Fellowship-Programm in der Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn.
Foto: Tobias Vollmer
Bewerben Sie sich noch bis zum 14. Februar 2022 für ein 1 bis 10-monatiges Fellowship-Programm in der Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn.
Bewerben Sie sich noch bis zum 14. Februar 2022 für ein 1 bis 10-monatiges Fellowship-Programm in der Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn.
Bewerben Sie sich noch bis zum 14. Februar 2022 für ein 1 bis 10-monatiges Fellowship-Programm in der Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn.